Helping You Grow Socially

Facebook, Instagram and Technical Support (software research, updating websites etc) is how I help people. I work mainly with small business but also charities/community groups. 

Most People Come to Me for Insider Information and Support on Facebook and other Social Media Platforms.

Here are the most common ways I work with people:

Creating a Social Media Plan:  2 hour 1:1 session on zoom. You walk away with a one page plan that works for any and all platforms. It’s bespoke to your business and means you never have to think “What should I post?” again. It’s £95 for 2 hours and you can book it online.


Learn with MeLearn With Me: It normally starts with the 2 hour social media plan session as above. Then we meet weekly to create your Facebook and/or Instagram posts together.  As time progresses you learn how to use your existing stories and content to create engaging posts. Thus increasing, engagement, sales and growth of your audience. £45 an hour. 

Let Me Do It For You: I support a number of businesses by creating and scheduling Facebook and Instagram posts for them. This varies from person to person. For some I use existing content and repurpose it for others I create content from scratch. It can be daily posts or just a few times a week it’s up to you. The cost is deliberately bespoke to each person an example could be £195 a month for 7 posts a week. 

Facebook Group Moderation: Keeping a Facebook Group going requires a lot of effort I know. It’s important to create conversations. There’s often a need for a good deal of admin and moderation which can take business owners away from what they really need to do. That’s where I come in. Cost is £35 an hour. 

General Tech Support: Sometimes all you need is to solve a couple of technical problems with Facebook or Instagram and I can do this too. I also help with WordPress Websites, Gmail, ConvertKit, membership sites, Newsletters and so on. Most things you want to do digitally. And I offer a customer service support answering emails on your behalf. For one off problems its £35 an hour and in my experience most things are easily resolved within that time frame. It’s a minimum of an hour and I charge in 15 minute increments after that. For more project work and research it’s between £35-£45 an hour depending on what’s required. We’ll have a chat first anyway so you will be given a quote before deciding if you want to go ahead. 

I know that every business is born from passion.  A desire to make the world a better place, to offer a product or a service that can help others or something that will make them smile. I work with dedicated people who love their business and work hard to make it shine.

Most people start with a 15 minute chat to find out more, which I prefer. You want to know who you are working with right? So lets talk first. Find a time which suits you here

“Thank you so much for your help today – everything was explained so clearly in language I understood. Looking forward to promoting my garage business and reaching more customers.” 

Kate - Banks Garage (Garage services)

“Digital Annie has extensive knowledge in digital and social media and her help and advice has increased our reach ten fold. Great friendly service and advice and always goes the extra mile.”

Sam - PIP-UK (Charity)

“Love my report! Some brilliant tips that are already paying off and getting me orders. Lots more advice to act on yet too, so very excited to see how it all goes over the coming weeks. Thanks again!” 

Kelly - Sew Unique Artwork (Craft Business)